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Tailored Training for a Thriving Workplace


Empower your teams with customised training that prevents bullying and harassment. Our expert-led sessions - offered online or in-house - ensure your organisation meets the highest standards of workplace behaviour.

Team Meeting


happy, healthy and productive workforce

with our workshops on Understanding Bullying and Harassment and Strategic Prevention




with our Courageous Conduct Intervention training  for managers



with our Trauma Informed Approach to Workplace Bullying Cases 


Understanding Workplace Bullying & Harassment

The definitive guide to workplace bullying & harassment delivered by UK leading expert. Take a deep dive into the subject - the facts, the experiences, the reasons, and the damage to individuals and businesses.

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Individual Bookings

Online workshops - multiple dates available. -Book just one place or small groups.  Ideal for small organisations not looking for in-house delivery, or anyone wishing to upskill for their own continuing professional development (CPD)

In house delivery

Book a call to discuss your requirements and available dates for delivery within your organisation.  Online and in person options available.


Strategic Interventions for Workplace Bullying Prevention

There’s no quick fix to the prevention of workplace bullying and harassment. With the prevention duty on employers, it’s time to look at a multi-disciplinary, risk management approach that reaches far beyond the assumption that it’s an HR problem, and helps you address the causes at the root.

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Individual Bookings

Online workshops - multiple dates available. -Book just one place or small groups.  Ideal for small organisations not looking for in-house delivery, or anyone wishing to upskill for their own continuing professional development (CPD)

In house delivery

Book a call to discuss your requirements and available dates for delivery within your organisation.  Online and in person options available.

Courageous Conduct

Courageous Conduct Intervention

Manage Abrasive Workplace Behaviour:
Accredited by the Boss Whispering Institute 

What’s one of the toughest jobs managers face?

Managing abrasive employee behaviour is no easy task, and doing it poorly or failing to do it altogether can have disastrous consequences for your organisation, your team, and you.  You know what you should do (intervene early, be specific, develop a corrective action plan), but why is it so terribly hard to do it? What can you do to manage unacceptable employee behaviour calmly, confidently, and compassionately?

Individual Bookings

Online workshops - multiple dates available. -Book just one place or small groups.  Ideal for small organisations not looking for in-house delivery, or anyone wishing to upskill for their own continuing professional development (CPD)

In house delivery

Book a call to discuss your requirements and available dates for delivery within your organisation.  Online and in person options available.

Trauma informed

A Trauma Informed Approach to Workplace Bullying Cases

Essential training for any manager, HR professional, investigator, mediator, coach or therapist dealing with workplace bullying and harassment case to reduce the risks of adding another layer of injury. We take a deep dive into understanding how workplace trauma develops, and how it is different from other traumas, and what that means in terms of being able to present the facts in an investigation.

Individual Bookings

Online workshops - multiple dates available. -Book just one place or small groups.  Ideal for small organisations not looking for in-house delivery, or anyone wishing to upskill for their own continuing professional development (CPD)

In house delivery

Book a call to discuss your requirements and available dates for delivery within your organisation.  Online and in person options available.

Moving On from Workplace Bullying

The Recovery element is often forgotten once a bullying or harassment case is concluded by HR or a legal professional.

The emotional impact of workplace bullying often lasts for considerably longer than the experience itself and can continue to have a detrimental effect on health, emotional wellbeing, home life and work performance without support to move forward.

This programme for individuals is NOT a replacement for clinical or medical intervention, and if you are seeing a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist, we recommend that you seek their advice before starting this programme.

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Get in Touch

We offer in-house bespoke programmes designed for your organisation - contact us now for a chat about how we can support you.

07921 264920


For more information and to arrange a call:

Thank you for contacting us - we'll be in touch soon

All of our work is underpinned by our purpose, providing extensive research, lobbying and campaigning into workplace bullying

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